To Myself a Year Ago
hold your head high and enunciate
when they ask you where that is
do not explain to them it is close
to the pyramids or the Holy land
when they raise their eyebrows in question
tell them to find it themselves
because they are missing out​
when they ask you how you write from right to left
tell them, your brain is a miracle of generations
of doctors and lawyers so it’s easy for you
when they ask if there’s a war there, do not look down
instead tell them that there is a war in everyone
and that every night ends with cards and hookah
tell them about the revolution that has been building
up because of decades and decades of injustice
show them how your country asks for freedom
tell them the news can sometimes deceive
share the stories of every father that left their home
for their kids to have a better future
when they ask you why you came here
explain to them how much your heart aches
to hug your grandfather, how you buried
your grandmother and your old life in one day
read the scriptures you wrote about your dreams
tell them about your pride and strong will
roll your r’s with pleasure
tell them your tongue needs to reverberate
because of your indecisive nature
and when they tell you to go back to where you came from
stand your ground and do not dare to cry
tell them, with your head held high,
you will return with the wonders you have yet to learn,
tell them that your home is a work in progress, just like you.